The Community Scholarship Liaison and the concentrated effort in the Twenty-first Century Scholars Program in our own community will be the first of its kind in the State of Indiana. This concentrated program could be used as a model throughout the state once established. It could also lead to additional and/or future funding. Working closely with Project Leadership and the Community Foundation, all post secondary educational opportunities will be made available to as many interested students throughout Grant County as possible. Whereas the scholarship emphasis of the Foundation was typical throughout the high school years, this new position would expand the focus throughout middle school as well. Additionally, the Foundation would still remain the scholarship clearinghouse of Grant County and would allow us to develop, even further, the relationships we have with school administrators and counselors.
Several community partners have agreed to enhance the monies available through CAPE Project Leadership to fund a Community Scholarship Liaison. These partners include The Community Foundation of Grant County, Indiana, Inc., Grant County Economic Growth Council, Indiana Wesleyan University, Ivy Tech Community College, Taylor University, City of Marion, and Gas City. With these additional funds the total monies available for the Community Scholarship Liaison Program is $152,700 over the next two and half years. The new position of Community Scholarship Liaison has been filled with an outstanding professional.
Linda Lowe, a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University, brings excellent qualities to this new position. She will help develop and market the newly established Community Scholarship Liaison Program for Grant County. Linda has an enthusiasm for community involvement. Her strengths include organizational skills, creativity and a true desire to work with young people.
Linda and her husband Steve live in Marion. They have two children and four grandchildren.