Project Leadership: Grant County, Indiana

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Meet the Match: Dionne Hayes and Jonna

Meet Jonna, a freshman at Marion High School, and mentor Dionne Hayes who meet each week in Project Leadership’s mentoring program, which matches community volunteers with local Twenty-first Century Scholar students.

Career goals: Registered nurse or actress.
Favorite subject: Spanish.
Favorite book: Emako Blue.
Hobbies/Interests: Softball.
Family: Mom, 3 sisters, 3 nieces, 1 nephew.
School: Marion High School.

Dionne Hayes
Career goals: Receive my M.B.A. and complete pharmacy school.
Favorite subject: All math, biology art.
Favorite book: To Kill a Mockingbird and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
Hobbies/interests: Playing with my daughter, reading, music, going to the library with my daughter.
Family: Daughter – Sonnyah, parents – Kenneth and Cynthia, Brothers – Kenny and Christopher.
School: Purdue, IPFW.

TO LEARN ABOUT THE MENTORING PROGRAM: Visit or call Project Leadership at 651-0650.