Meet Kilee, a sophomore at Marion High School, and mentor Patricia Gibson who participate in Project Leadership’s mentoring program, which matches community volunteers with local Twenty-first Century Scholar students.
Career goals: graduate from a good college; be successful in journalism
Favorite subject: Photography, Journalism, Spanish
Favorite book: Twilight
Hobbies/Interests: sports, being with friends, music
Family: Kenny (dad), Kelly (mom), Kinzee (sister), Kinlee (sister)
School: Marion High School
Patricia Gibson
Career goals: never stop being creative, never stop caring
Favorite subject: band, English
Favorite book: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Victor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning
Hobbies/interests: reading, writing, knitting, watching movies
Family: husband, Steve
School: Yorktown High School, Ball State University grad.
TO LEARN ABOUT THE MENTORING PROGRAM: Visit or call Project Leadership at 651-0650.