Meet Shasta, a freshman at Marion High School, and mentor Sonia Strevy who meet each week in Project Leadership’s mentoring program, which matches community volunteers with local Twenty-first Century Scholar students.
Career goals: Pediatric nurse or ocean biologist
Favorite subject: Math.
Favorite book: Sisterhood of the Traveling a Pants.
Hobbies/Interests: Hanging with friends.
Family: Mom, Melissa Campbell; Stepdad, Scott Griffith; baby sister Daytona Griffith.
School: Marion High School.
Sonia Strevy
Career: Nursing
Favorite subject: Nursing, health.
Hobbies/interests: Reading and watching old movies.
Family: Husband, Alan; four daughters
School: Marion High School
TO LEARN ABOUT THE MENTORING PROGRAM: Visit or call Project Leadership at 651-0650.