More than 7 out of 10 eligible 8th-grade students (73%) have been recruited into the state’s Twenty-first Century Scholars Program this enrollment year in Delaware County. This is a 29% increase from March of this year and an 18% increase from last year.
Students are enrolled for the state program while in middle school. Seventh-grade enrollment this year is 39%, a 9% increase from last year. Sixth-graders were able to enroll this year for the first time because of changes in the program guidelines. In Delaware County, 35% of the eligible students in this grade level were recruited. Across all three recruitment grade levels —6th, 7th and 8th — 799 students or 49% of those eligible were enrolled in Delaware County.
“We set very aggressive goals for Delaware County,” said Dick Daniel, Community Scholarship Liaison for Project Leadership, which partners with schools and the TCS regional office to recruit students. “We came very close to meeting those goals which were 50% enrollment overall and 75% of eligible eighth graders. We found that the biggest increases came at the schools that allowed Project Leadership to meet with students one-on-one. We hope that all schools will recognize the value of personalized contact during the coming school year.”
This spring, Project Leadership Delaware County partnered with area schools and the regional office in one-on-one meetings with eligible students at school and in mailings sent to individual homes as part of its recruitment strategies. Seventh-grade Delta Middle School student Rachel Smith was the winner of a Wii through a drawing Project Leadership Delaware County held for students who enrolled in the Twenty-first Century Scholars program this spring.