Project Leadership: Grant County, Indiana

Friday, April 1, 2011

Are You A Scholar?

Step 1: Know what you’re enrolling in.The Twenty-first Century Scholarsprogram is a state of Indiana programdesigned to help students finishhigh school and go onto college.Students make a good citizenshippledge. They agree to no drugs, nocrime and decent grades — a 2.0GPA (that’s a C average). In exchangefor the pledge, the state offers to payfour years of college tuition to a publicIndiana college or university (theyalso help with private schools).

Step 2: Find Out if You're Eligible... Students can enroll only in 6th, 7th, or 8th grades. So you don't want to wait until you are a freshman in high school. Students must be Indiana residents. Finally, students' families must meet income guidelines. About 1 of every 2 families in Grant County meet them.

Step 3: Apply… Now.Grant County students can contact ProjectLeadership at 651-0650 to apply for the program.There’s a small amount of paperwork(promise!) that the Project Leadership teamwill help you complete. Project Leadership’soffice is at the Community Foundation buildingat 505 W. Third St., Marion.Students also can ask their school guidancecounselors for help in applying or the regionalTwenty-first Century Scholars office (based inMuncie) at 765-289-2291, ext. 1475. Enrollnow so you don’t rush the June 30th deadline.

Step 4: Keep Your Promise... Once you’ve enrolled,remember your promise. Makea game plan for keeping it. Whenyou’re in 8th grade, ask ProjectLeadership about enrolling in amentoring program for highschool students who are TwentyfirstCentury Scholars.