Corey Sharp, director ofenrollment managementat Ivy Tech EastCentral Indiana, offersthese suggestions forstudents to make themost of the college fairon Oct. 6th at Ivy Tech:
CHECK IN:Be sure to stop by thecheck in desk at the collegefair on the way into help you plan yourevening.
MAKE A LIST:Start with identifying thetwo or three collegesthat top your list. Visitthose colleges first atthe fair. Then have asecond tier of collegesthat you’ve consideredand visit those, too.Have an open mindand, time permitting,visit a couple othercolleges to see if theymight be a good fit.
FOCUS:Sharp encouragesstudents not to befocused solely on onecollege when visitingthe fair. He saysstudents should focuson what their interestsand needs are and nottheir friends.“There are so manytimes people haveshown up to my doorhaving chosen a collegewhere their friends aregoing to go,” Sharpsaid. “That’s usually notthe best way to make acollege decision.”