Project Leadership: Grant County, Indiana

Friday, November 28, 2008

Meet the Match: Susan Losure and Kayla

Meet Kayla, a sophomore at Mississinewa High School, and mentor Susan Losure who meet each week in Project Leadership’s mentoring program, which matches community volunteers with local Twenty-first Century Scholar students.

Career goals: Pediatric nurse or music teacher
Favorite subject: Choir, English, nutrition and wellness.
Favorite book: Twilight.
Hobbies/Interests: Singing, watching movies, spending time with family.
Family: Dad, Dave; mom, Missy; sister, Brianna; brother, Justin.
School: Mississinewa High School.

Susan Losure
Career: Retired from V.A.
Favorite subject: History.
Favorite book: Bible.
Hobbies/interests: Crafts and reading.
Family: Husband, Alan; daughter, Lynn; son, Nathan; seven beautiful grandchildren.
School: Fairmount High School

TO LEARN ABOUT THE MENTORING PROGRAM: Visit or call Project Leadership at 651-0650.