Project Leadership: Grant County, Indiana

Friday, September 30, 2011

Grant County’s college fair to host 30 colleges next week

Students who are undecided abouttheir college paths will have the chanceto explore 30 colleges during nextweek’s Grant County college fair.

Corey Sharp, director of enrollmentmanagement at Ivy Tech East CentralIndiana, said colleges will include BallState, Huntington, IU Bloomington andKokomo, Manchester, Ivy Tech, IndianaWesleyan and Taylor.

“The fair gives students and familiesa one-stop shop to explore collegesthey’re interested in,” Sharp said.“Rarely does a student have theopportunity to talk to 30 collegerepresentatives at one time to seewhich school they want to attend, and Ithink that’s one of the best things thecollege fair has to offer.”

The college fair is sponsored by IvyTech Community College and IndianaWesleyan University and will be from6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday in theconference center at the Marion IvyTech campus at Ind. 18 and I-69.

There will be a financial aid workshop at 7 p.m. and a senior exit workshop for Twenty-first Century Scholars from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lecture hall. Kathy Niese, regional director for the WhiteRiver Valley Twenty-first Century Scholars office, said that seniors whoare Twenty-first Century Scholarsshould plan to attend the senior exitworkshop to receive information andsteps on how to receive their scholarshipsand to learn about deadlines andlegislative changes to the program.

Sharp said that a representative fromTransfer In also will be available duringthe college fair to talk to studentsabout how to use dual credit.

“Dual credit is an opportunity for highschool students to earn high schooland college credits at the same time,”Sharp said. The college fair, he added,will be a good chance for parents offreshmen and sophomores to explorewhich colleges offer dual creditopportunities.